November 2, 2012

I Love Fall and I Love Halloween!!

What is not to love about fall. The cooler weather, the changing colors, the smells of harvest and the ringing in of what are the last and best months of the year. I think that is why Halloween may be my favorite holiday. Christmas is actually first but I think, for me at least, Halloween plays an important role in the holidays that follow it.

You see I don't think of Halloween as a children's holiday. I see it as a time for everybody to channel their inner child and watch scary movies that somehow still frighten you after having watched the same one hundreds of times; dress up as your favorite character, because lets be honest, we all need to take a vacation from our everyday self; and sit on the floor after all the trick or treating and figure out which is to be the first of many candies to be devoured.

Halloween reminds me that even though my childhood may have past the essence of everything that is great about being a child does not have to be a thing of the past. That's what Halloween does for me. It releases me from the burden of stuffy everydayness (almost certain that is not a word). Without Halloween, my eyes wouldn't be open enough to appreciate all the things that I am thankful for when Thanksgiving rolls around and I wouldn't have the true Joy in my heart that is necessary to take in the true meaning of Christmas.

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween and I wish you all a bountiful harvest season.

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