I can't tell you how many times I have laid my kids down for a nap and thought, "Thank goodness, now I can get something done." Not today. Today I found myself just watching them sleep. Watching their precious little faces as they dream their dreams. Listening to the soft, rhythmic sound of their breathing. You see, this morning a little boy left this Earth for a better place. However, a mother and father are left to deal with the void that is left. I feel ashamed for all the times I have looked forward to having extra time to get stuff done while the kids did something else...nap, color, watch a show. Honestly, I don't think I ever REALLY watched as they did any the aforementioned activities. I used them as an opportunity to wash the dishes, vacuum, fold the clothes, do whatever else needed done. Not today. Today there is a mother out there that will never see her little boy do what children do and I am sure she doesn't give a damn that the dishes are piled up or that the floors are dirty.
I don't want to live in a world where the trivial dictates my attention. I think it is easier to keep ourselves busy as it gives us a feeling of accomplishment, dare I say importance. But the truth of the matter is that it is far harder work to slow your pace down enough so that you can hear, see and feel what is really important; to appreciate what can only be perceived in the stillness of the mind.
So I stood there watching. Why? Because it was NOT a trivial task. There was nothing more important on my to do list than watch and know that I am blessed.
September is childhood awareness month. Lets not forget that there are people that have to wake up every morning to a void that is left by a child leaving too soon. Lets think about all the children that are fighting battles that they should never have to fight.
For more information on childhood cancer please visit:
For Linukas Story:
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