March 26, 2012

I should have gotten the hint

Little girl just loves to wear big brothers helmet.

If she sees it, she wants it on her head.
I always knew she was a bit of a dare devil, so perhaps she was trying to tell me something. I should have listened. If so maybe this wouldn't have happened.....

Yep, little girl broke her collar bone. She is just too daring for her own good and for mama's poor heart.

So has the wrap and sling slowed her down any.....ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Still climbing and jumping and getting into mischief.

Only this time I am prepared...

March 18, 2012

And here he is.....

My very own Green Lantern.

My little man has been on a Justice League kick and since he has lots of Superman stuff, I thought he would like a custom made Green Lantern shirt. I wanted to try my hand an making my own stencils and fabric painting and this project did both.

First you need to iron the shirt and lay it flat.

I had printed out the image that I wanted and traced it onto freezer paper. Then with an sharp knife I cut out the image.

Lay the pieces of the image "waxy" side down where you would like it and then iron. The heat of the iron lets the freezer paper adhere temporarily to the fabric. Once it is securely in place just paint on your color. I used a small foam brush and dabbed the color into the fabric. While the paint is still wet pull off the stencil and let dry for at least 4 hours. Overnight is preferred.

Here it is. Hindsight I would have made the image more substantial but it actually came out better than I thought and little man loves it.
If you would like to try this please be sure that you wash the garment or fabric before starting the process and after you have let the paint dry wash it again inside out in cold water and either tumble dry on your lowest setting or hang dry.

St. Patrick's Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful and joyful St. Paddy's Day, I know we sure did. We celebrated a day early because my Mr. had to work on the actual day. Nevertheless, we had a great time. The day before we made some festive white and green cupcakes.

These where very yummy with a luscious cream cheese frosting and some green sprinkles courtesy of my son. We also enjoyed some corned beef and cabbage and Irish soda bread. Both recipes came from and I highly recommend them.

Next year we will have to double the recipes as I was looking forward to leftovers and there were none :(.

March 14, 2012

Failed February Cake and Misc Info

Month 2 of year of the cake did not turn out so well. I am going to have to try again but it will have to wait until summer when I will have a little more free time. But I will try my hand at March's cake. St. Patricks day is coming up and will we celebrate it on Friday. I am very much looking forward to celebrating it with Jeff and the kids. I have few posts in the pipeline and plan on getting them all out this weekend. I love this blog, I just wish I was better at time allocation. I have some ideas about the format of the blog as well. I love to study the bible in depth by looking at the ancient language of the text and cross comparing verses with others in the bible. I would like to have a day when we can look at particular verses and just enjoy being in the Word. This will help me be more diligent with my bible study and hopefully give others a quick moment in the Word as well. With school I am not certain when I can start this but hopefully it will be soon. I look forward to our upcoming chats. Blessings to all until next time.