The recipe is quite simple...You start with a base of equal parts water, vinegar, isopropyl alcohol and a few drops of liquid soap (depending on how sudsy you would like it). Next are the essential oils. Now this is where you can get creative. Honestly, you don't even need the oils as the vinegar and alcohol provide the bulk of the cleaning and disinfecting. However, essential oils add their own beneficial properties, some of which I will discuss in a bit. Currently I am using a few drops each of tea tree oil (melaluca altenifolia), mandarin oil (citrus reticulata) and lemongrass oil (cymbopogon flexuosous).
I have also used eucalyptus oil as well, but I wanted a bright and fresh sent so I opted for the above mentioned oils and I look forward to trying different ones as well.
The vinegar can prove to be a harsh smell but in my opinion it is not worse than those of standard cleaning products, but minus the harmful effects. If you would like to diminish the smell you can use a little less of the vinegar. I found that the above combination of oils not only masks the vinegar smell but also gives it the bright, flesh smell I was looking for.
Here is some information regarding the ingredients used in my all purpose cleaner...
Vinegar: Well, what doesn't it do. It kills bacteria, mold and germs. It is also non-toxic so ingestion of and smell of the fumes have no adverse effect on people. If you are interested here is a link for some of the medicinal benefits of vinegar.
Isopropyl Alcohol: Ok I will admit, some of you may not agree with me using this ingredient in a so called "green and safe" cleaner. There are harmful effects that can arise if ingested and if fumes are inhaled for a long period of time. However, the disinfectant, sterilizing and solvent properties, in my opinion out way the bad. Isopropyl alcohol is know to kill bacteria, fungus and viruses which is why it is used in hospitals to stop the spread of infectious diseases. Since I am usually cleaning up after two little ones that are prone to make sticky messes, the solvent properties render it almost invaluable. Not to worry the fumes and the alcohol dissipate very quickly.
Tea Tree Oil: Contains terpenoids which are known to have antifungal and antiseptic properties. It is commonly used for the treatment of acne, fungal infections of the nail and foot (athletes foot) and dandruff. It can also be used in bath water to help with a cough, congestion and pulmonary inflammation.
Mandarin Oil: Is also antiseptic and has additional qualities such as antispasmodic and is cytophylatic. The last two are fancy words that mean that it is good for muscle spasms and it encourages the new growth of cells. It is commonly used to treat acne, wrinkles, scars and stress. Here is a link to find out some other great properties of mandarin oil.
Lemongrass Oil: Has antiseptic, antibacterial and astringent properties, to name a few. Lemongrass oil is often used to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is also used as a pain reliever in joints and muscles and is said to aid in the reduction of fever caused by viral infections.
Hope all this encourages you to go out and make your own personalized cleaner as a means to use less harsh chemicals in your household environment and save some money in the process.
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