March 14, 2012

Failed February Cake and Misc Info

Month 2 of year of the cake did not turn out so well. I am going to have to try again but it will have to wait until summer when I will have a little more free time. But I will try my hand at March's cake. St. Patricks day is coming up and will we celebrate it on Friday. I am very much looking forward to celebrating it with Jeff and the kids. I have few posts in the pipeline and plan on getting them all out this weekend. I love this blog, I just wish I was better at time allocation. I have some ideas about the format of the blog as well. I love to study the bible in depth by looking at the ancient language of the text and cross comparing verses with others in the bible. I would like to have a day when we can look at particular verses and just enjoy being in the Word. This will help me be more diligent with my bible study and hopefully give others a quick moment in the Word as well. With school I am not certain when I can start this but hopefully it will be soon. I look forward to our upcoming chats. Blessings to all until next time.

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